MS. Rose Mjema

In Summary

Board Chairperson

MS. Rose Mjema

She is the Socialist and Gender Trainer and Consultant with ground of MA Sociology, Gender and Development from Zomba Chancellor College, (Malawi).  Also, she graduated BA Hon, Social Administration from University of Dar es Salaam, (Tanzania) majoring in Industrial relations; rural, sociology and applied research.


She worked with different institutions in and out of Tanzania including Ministry of Energy; Ministry of community development gender and children; ministry of regional development and local government; national and private institutions dealing with water and energy sources. Involved in ESIA with TANESCO; NORPLAN TZ; PRICEWATERHOUSE Coopers and Other.


She did various consultations related with harmful traditional practices such as Female Genital Mutilation (FGM), early child marriages, teenager pregnancies and forced marriages as well as other forms of violence against women and children with a number of organizations such as UNFPA, Oxfam GB, TGNP, ESTL-Tanzania. She had been engaged with Danish Embassy as a responsible person for coordinating gender issues in their respective country programs and projects.


She was Employed by National Institute for Productivity (NIP), responsible for conducting management consultancy and training assessment, training programme preparation and OD for public and private organization.

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