Friends of Tanzania
ESTL in colloboration with Friends of Tanzania in United States of America - USA was implimented the project titled “Improving Sanitation and Hygiene Behaviors Change through Renovated Windmill Machine”. The project reached 4,185 people of Unyianga living around Windmill Machine where by 604 pupils (264 boys, and 340 girls), 14 Teachers (7 Men, and 6 women) of unyianga primary school, 3,581 (2,105 women, and 1,476 men) people around Unyianga village Centre benefited from with the project. More than 2,000 people from other villages who pass unyianga village to Singida municipal for their services also benefited indirect from the project.
The project addressed the improvement of water sources, reduces high incidences of communicable diseases related to water and unhygienic practices as well as ensuring community access to reliable safe and clean water. The project enhanced time for studies among the pupils and increased school attendance and performances. However, the project empowered community members through the public meeting and they took appropriate actions to sustain and manage the sanitation and hygiene promotion at their household levels.