Covid-19 Interventions

In Summary

Covid-19 Interventions

Covid-19 Interventions

ESTL with funds support from the Foundation for Civil Society (FCS) and the Embassy of Finland in Tanzania managed to make sure that community members are informed of the potential risks regarding the Covid-19 pandemic disease.

ESTL used a number of approaches such as  Public Address (PA) System, Provision of flash disks with pre-recorded sound clips/messages to motor circle riders (bodaboda), local bars, saloons, local theatre rooms; Provision of loudspeaker to Health facilities with recorded clips, Distribution of Informational, Educational, and Communication (IEC) materials, Door-to-door training with Community Health Workers and Using ESTL’s-ICT Mobile Tracking System to disseminate educative text messages about COVID-19,GBV/FGM and to collect information about communities’ efforts to fight the pandemic and also Gender Based Violence during the pandemic.

The project reached 342,667 people (169,499 females and, 173,168 males ) from Singida DC and Singida Municipal Councils through use of mentioned approaches. Through the mobile Data Tracking and Digital Platforms, ESTL currently is continuing its work to track domestic violence which can happen.

Designed By:  Mabena Info Data