The Embassy of Kingdom of Netherlands

In Summary

The Embassy of Kingdom of Netherlands

The Embassy of Kingdom of Netherlands

ESTL in collaboration with Singida District Council under the funding support from The Embassy of the Kingdom of Netherlands Tanzania managed to implement the project titled “Kick FGM out of Singida Project” in four wards with a total of eighteen (18 villages of Singida district council of Singida District in Singida Region). The project had a duration of 12 months starting 17th April 2021 to 16th March 2022. The wards and villages covered by the project included Makuro (Makuro, Ghalunyangu,Mpoku, Mwalala, Mkenge and Matumbo); Ikhanoda ward (Ikhanoda, Kisisi, Msimihi and Mjughuda);Msange ward (Msange, Mangida, Endesh and Sefunga;Mudida ward - villages covered are Mudida, Mpipiti, Kibaoni and Migugu.

The project used a number of different approaches such as public meetings, dialogues, trainings, media engagement and use of ESTL’s ICT-Mobile Data Tracking System accessible on ( Other platforms included social media platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, WhatsApp, YouTube and Twitter for promotion of project interventions to a wide population.

The project successfully directly impacted a total number of 17,202 (8, 843 women and 8,359 men).  Further 43,529 (21,581 women and 21,948 men) were reached indirectly. The project also reached various community groups and institutions such as religious leaders, youth, women, Traditional mutilators /Ngaribas, Teachers both from primary and secondary schools, members of National Plan of Action to violence against women and children (NPA-VAWC) protection committees, men, children, pregnant women, traditional healers, community leaders, community health workers, and traditional birth attendants.

The project beneficiaries educated on the harmful effects of FGM/GBV and were promoted to play a role in abolish the practice. The project has managed to develop action plans that will make community members carry on anti-FGM activism beyond its duration.  

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