Public Meetings

In Summary

We conducted public meetings in 27 wards (97 villages) of Singida District which is made up with Singida Micipal and Rural. 

Public Meetings

Public Meetings - We conducted meetings at all 95 villages in 27wards (Mgori, Itaja, Ughandi, Ntoge, Unyamikumbi, Unyianga and Mtamaa, Mwankoko, Mandewa, Mtipa, Uhamaka, Unyanyabwa, Kindai, Utemini,Mungumaji, Kisaki, Msisi,Maghojoa, Mughamo, Mughunga, Makuro, Ikhanuda, Mudida, Mwasauya, Merya, Kinyagigi and Msange) of Singida District that was targeted by the project.


The aim of the meetings was to ensure that large audiences not directly involved in the project workshops were reached and to mobilize all community members to speak against FGM and become anti-FGM advocates.


The meetings were also intended to increase the public’s knowledge of the practice, preventing stigmatization and protecting women and girls living with or at risk of FGM. Also, to enable community members to bravely speak out against FGM and report FGM cases that occur in their communities.

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