Youth and Adolescent Girls and Young Women (AGYW) Economic Empowerment

In Summary

Youth & AGYW capacity Building on income generating activities and supports.

Youth and Adolescent Girls and Young Women (AGYW) Economic Empowerment

ESTL with funds support from Tanzania Forest Fund (TaFF) is implementing the project geared to protect and manage natural resources through establishment of modern beekeeping as a strategy of cutting down challenges of employment and improving the livelihood of rural youths living adjacent to natural forests in Singida Municipality.

The project manages bees’ farms located at Unyianga village natural forests called Msou A, B and C. The project employed 35 youth for management of modern commercial beekeeping project. There are 450 beehives where by in each farm there are 150 beehives. In each farm a group of 10 youth is employed and responsible for taking care of the activities at the farm. 5 youths are responsible for operation of honey processing facility. Each beehive has capacity to produce 90 Kg per year.

 At the facility also there is a Centre for collection of honey products from other beekeepers. Our bee products consumed and sold inside the country. We are continue looking for the marketing in and outside of Tanzania.


ESTL with funds support from the Foundation for Civil Society (FCS) in collaboration with LGAs we formed 15 youth and AGYW agro economic groups (contain 305 members) in 13 wards of Singida District Councils and Singida Municipality. The groups trained on income generating activities and we assisted them to develop business and marketing plans. The groups up to current accessed technical assistances and received loans from their councils. 

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